Feedback formulier EN

Note: Required fields must be completed. Please tick the fields with the checkbox that apply.

Participation period:
Prior to the project
1. Was the information about the project you participated in clear and complete?
Participation in the project
3. How did you like the local project organization?
4. How did you like the project activities / work tasks?
5. How did you like the treatment / care of the animals?
6. How did you like the project staff?
7. How did you like the accommodation?
8. How did you like the meals (if applicable)?
9. How were your expectations of the project?
13. Are you planning to participate in a similar project again in the future?
14. If so, would you choose for Global Spirit again?
16. Mag Global Spirit jouw bovenstaande verhaal eventueel in de toekomst gebruiken op de website, social media of andere uitingen?
17. May Global Spirit possibly use your above story in the future on the website, social media or other types of communication?

We use the answers you give in the feedback form above to improve our services, but also to improve the projects.