The black and white colobus monkeys found in East Africa are magnificent forest animals. Unfortunately the Colobus monkeys are threatened mainly by habitat destruction. But pet trade, road traffic accidents and electrocutions are also a major threat.

Other monkeys which you will meet while working at this project are: Vervet monkeys, Sykes, Baboons, Bush Baby’s, and other animals like civet cats, squirrels, birds, etcetera.


Volunteer with monkeys in Kenya. The project organization was set up in 1997.  It is a snactuary for different species of primates. The project’s mission statement is to promote, in close co-operation with other national and international organizations, the conservation, preservation and protection of primates, in particular, the Angolan black and white colobus monkey and its associated coastal forest habitat in Kenya. However, early on in the project’s history it was recognized that to deal with colobus was too narrow of a focus. The project now deals with all aspects of human/primate conflict in the area.

The project consists of a permanent staff of 10 persons. The staff is enthusiastic, friendly and enjoy training and working with volunteers from different countries. The language spoken at this project is English.

The project is situated at the South-East coast of Kenya in a touristic area. It’s situated in a small forest an next to the beautiful white sanded beaches which is one of the most spectacular in the world . It is nearly 16 km long and surrounded by palm trees. Nearby you will find forest and farmland. The project site is 1.5 hectares in total. The garden contains several big trees, often visited by different types of monkeys.

In you free time you may swim at the nearby hotels or you can arrange many excursions like big game safaris, a Mombasa tour, walking in the mangrove swamps, standing under the waterfall in the Shimba Hills National Reserve and water sports, etc.

You will be responsible for arranging your own transport to Mombasa, Kenya. After you’ve booked your journey, detailed travel information will be given.

The work with monkeys is varied and after an introduction, your tasks may be:

    • Preparing, feeding and taking care of the animals and cleaning their enclosures;
    • Taking care for baby primates, when there is any present at time of your participation, Assisting in caring for the infant requires 24 hour care, this involves feeding, weighing and generally caring for the individual;
    • Helping with farm work, rescuing and releasing primates;
    • Assisting at education workshops for school children concerning the animals and their habitat;
    • Make and repair ‘colobridges’, assist in returning the forest, maintaining monkey cages;
    • Carry out valuable primate censuses and forest health surveys;
    • Assisting with office tasks

You will work about 5 days a week (about 6 hours a day) and have 2 days off each week.

You will stay in a nice building on a 1,5 hectare ground next tot he beach. There are 3 bedrooms and you will share one with other volunteers. Other facilities like kitchen and 3 bathroom will be shared by all occupants. A cook will make you a good lunch and African diner. Breakfast is also included but will be prepared by  yourself.

As a volunteer you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum age for participation is 18 years old.
  • Volunteers must be in reasonable physical condition and able to work in a hot and humid climate.
  • Able to communicate in English;
  • Passionate about wildlife
  • Work well with a variety of people and able to work in a team;
  • For information conserning vaccinations etctera we advise you to visit your local clinic.

Volunteers are welcome all year round. You are free to choose your own arrival date. The duration of your stay must be 2 weeks or longer.

This project can also be combined with the project Sea turtle in Kenya

Period Price per person
2 weeks € 720,00
every extra week € 335,00

Discount for long-term participation and research interns (from 13 weeks). Inform via

Costs include:

  • Information and assistence before deparure
  • If desired, free estimate of flight options / travel possibilities (the most convenient flights options at a glance)
  • Accommodation (including laundry service, cook and cleaning service)
  • 3 meals a day and drinking water/coffe/tea
  • A donation to the project
  • Training and supervision
  • Administration costs
  • And, of course a very memorable experience!

Prices are valid for the said periods in the year 2022.

Everything you need to know before you book this project:
Extensive information Project Colobus monkeys in Kenya (PDF)